About us

At LD Consultancy, our story starts not with profit, but with passion. We were born from a deep desire to level the playing field, to empower small and mighty businesses with the same HR advantages enjoyed by larger corporations.

We saw first-hand the struggles faced by SMEs, not-for-profits, and tech startups. The overwhelming burden of HR tasks, the fear of legal pitfalls, and the constant worry about compliance, all while juggling limited resources and burning ambitions. We knew there had to be a better way.

That's why we founded LD Consultancy – a beacon of hope and expertise, shining a light on accessible, affordable HR solutions tailored to your unique needs. We're not just another service provider; we're your trusted partner, walking alongside you on your growth journey.

“Flexibility you crave, expertise you deserve..”

— LD Consultancy Enterprise

our mission for you

We believe every startup deserves a chance to shine. We ignite the spark of innovation by providing accessible, affordable, tailored HR solutions that empower young businesses to attract top talent, build thriving cultures, and scale with ease. We are passionate about supporting your journey and equipping you with the human capital advantage to conquer your future business goals.

are you ready?

For your stress free hR Journey ? 

Lets get started!

Book a free consultation with us

HR isn't just about paperwork, it's about people! (But we're good at paperwork too.)